Why Our Lucid Dreaming Mask?
Dreams are the most universal and inspiring aspects of the human experience. Modern research has since confirmed that dreams can lead to better moods, reduced stress, enhanced problem-solving skills, and increased creativity. Yet somehow dreaming is still treated as an afterthought when discussing our overall well-being.

We created the Lucid Dream Mask to reintroduce people to the benefits of dreaming. Using gentle, customizable light signals, it not only increases dream recall and vividness but allows for the possibility of lucid dreaming.

RECALL: Your subconscious is excellent at creating detailed images and compelling narrative, but it's bad at committing these to memory. That's why, even though we typically dream for two hours each night, we can usually only remember bits and pieces of the dream we were having just before waking. That's two hours worth of creative thoughts, insights, and adventures that you experienced but won't even remember, much less benefit from. The mask's light signals promote better dream recall by seamlessly introducing tiny gaps of consciousness that link the dreaming mind, which has trouble creating new memories, to a more wakeful state that can.

CLARITY: These same gaps allow you to carry some of that mindful, waking consciousness with you as you re-enter your still-in-progress dream. Your mind will be more prepared to notice (and create) new details, and as an added bonus, when your next recall gap occurs there will be that much more in-depth detail to commit to memory. In this way, the two features complement each other well. If dreams are a well-spring of ingenuity, understanding, and new experiences, then we owe it to ourselves to make them as rich and animated as we can, and sharpening the overall level of detail is an excellent way to do so.

CONTROL: When you experience any level of conscious awareness in a dream, you have already started down the path to lucidity. Understanding that you're dreaming without waking up is exhilarating, entertaining, and beneficial. Simply knowing that you're inside of a dream is only the beginning; with practice comes greater control. Experienced lucid dreamers have been honing this skill for thousands of years to reap a range of benefits from the recreational (flying, exploring) to the practical (problem-solving, brainstorming) to the profound (self-actualization). If your goal is lucidity, Smart Lucid Dream Mask can help you get there.

- 1 x Smart Lucid Dream Mask
- 1 x User Guide
- 1 x Battery